ESG Services from Kaiser Partner Privatbank: Sustainable, Simple, Tailored to Your Needs.

ESG Services from Kaiser Partner Privatbank: Sustainable, Simple, Tailored to Your Needs.

The challenge

According to a recent investor survey conducted by BlackRock, sustainability is already a crucial topic in the investment process for 82% of investors worldwide. In Europe, agreement with this idea is particularly high – 95% consider sustainable investment important, and 64% even say it is “very important”. The topic is also likely to become even more important further down the road: only 5% of global respondents believe that sustainable investment will just be a short-term trend.

Policymakers have also recognized the vital importance of sustainability criteria in the investment process. The issue is particularly important in the European Union, which launched its own action plan and is currently preparing a variety of different binding regulations that will demand a great deal from financial service providers: greater transparency (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation – SFDR), harmonization of sustainable financial products (taxonomy), and direct consideration of ESG criteria when advising clients (amendment of MiFID II) are to be required.

In this environment, it is necessary for every financial provider to deal with the question of what they need to offer as well as what they want to offer in order to fulfill the regulatory requirements and to be able to respond to the individual desires of their clients. Even if their own clients have very little interest in ESG (for the time being), the data shows that the topic is much too important to ignore.


How we can help

Kaiser Partner Privatbank offers independent asset managers a variety of different tools for providing clients with optimal advice in the area of ESG and for preparing for future regulations.

Below you will find a current selection of our services:

  • Portfolio health check: Our ESG report provides you with a well-founded analysis of your client portfolios with regard to a variety of different sustainability aspects that are of importance. Using this analysis, along with tailored advice from our experts if required, you can identify where there is room for improvement and optimize portfolios on the basis of sustainability criteria. We in turn offer the relevant services, which can be found below.
  • Focus lists: If you want to subject your portfolios to ESG optimization on your own, our focus lists can help. They allow you to choose from a range of high-quality individual stocks, green bonds, and funds that have been thoroughly vetted by us.
  • ESG advisory: If you would like to take full advantage of our expertise in the area of ESG optimization, we can provide you with a personal consultation with our in-house experts in this field, who take your investment strategies and the needs of your clients fully into consideration.
  • White labeling: If you would like to delegate the task of (sustainably) managing client assets to us, you can also do this using a white-label solution. We have been taking ESG criteria into account in all mandates for many years and also offer a special sustainability mandate. On this basis, your clients participate in the traditional capital markets while simultaneously increasing the positive impact of their portfolio on issues relating to the environment, social responsibility, and business ethics.

The variety of offers can of course be combined as required, and we would be happy to get together with you to develop a custom solution at your request.


Why Kaiser Partner Privatbank?

Our bank has a long tradition of sustainable investment. Kaiser Partner Privatbank AG has been a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2009. In 2019, Kaiser Partner Privatbank AG also became the first bank in Liechtenstein to sign on to the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). These principles, which came into being in the context of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), provide the framework for a sustainable banking system and help industry to demonstrate its positive contribution to society.


As is always the case with us, the following also applies in the area of ESG: we prefer to speak directly with you and seek out an optimal solution together. We would love to get to know you better in person:

Hermann Neusüss
Hermann Neusüss
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Banking for Professionals
Rainer Nachbauer
Rainer Nachbauer
Head Banking for Professionals & Securitizations

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