Celebrating one year of Monthly Market Monitor

One year ago, we introduced our monthly publication, the Monthly Market Monitor. Every month, our experts monitor and evaluate developments in the economy, geopolitics and financial markets.


In a concise format, you can find the latest insights in our informative commentaries and in-depth analyses, assessments of asset classes and forecasts on the economic situation.

Whether you are a small investor or a financial expert, our Monthly Market Monitor aims to present the latest evaluations and trends in a way that is comprehensible to everyone.

Every month, a separate chapter is dedicated to sustainability and a current (investment) topic such as the impact of the US presidential election on the financial markets or inflation.


Celebrating one year of Monthly Market Monitor


Find out more about our latest insights in the recent edition of the Monthly Market Monitor. We are looking forward to many more editions with you.


You missed an issue or would like to catch up on a particular topic?

All previous issues are available here at any time. We would also be happy to send you a printed copy of the current Monthly Market Monitor. To do so, please complete this form.


Investment News


In a time of global change, you have to be very well informed if you want to be on the right side. Our investment experts provide you with regular updates about significant events and trends.

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